International call costs may vary. Quick set-up guide. Using your BT2000 on a broadband line? If so, you need to fit an ADSL microfilter between the phone line cord and the phone socket. ARBIN BT2000 - Battery Test Equipment Arbin’s hardware design allows for extremely flexible specifications in terms of the voltage range, and the current ranges for the test channels. The BT-2000 can be custom designed to meet the parameters of any experiment, or test schedule. Find Headlight Vw Passat50067 for less on our site or store. Visit us and save. Bargain prices on Headlight Vw Passat50067 now!

  1. Arbin Bt 2000 User Manual Transfer Switch
  2. Arbin Bt 2000 User Manual Instructions
Battery Test Equipment

filled with dry air and connected to an Arbin BT-2000 battery tester. The glove box had a gas inlet and outlet, and the inside pressure was kept slightly positive by allowing the dry air to flow through con-tinuously. The humidity inside the glove box was less than 1% rela-tive humidity as measured by a Dickson handheld temperature/. Battery Tester, Arbin BT-G-502: 4 channels-2 to 10V, 1mA, 100mA, 5A ranges, 50W max/channel: Battery Tester, Arbin BT-2000: 8 channels: 0-20V, 1A,50A,200A ranges, 4kW max/channel: Battery Tester, NHR9200: 2 channels #4912: 0-120V, up to 200A, 8kW source, 12kW sink max/channel: Datasheet: 1 channel #4960: 0-600V, up to 40A, 8kW source, 12kW.

Select your voltage to see specific product content.

Arbin offers charge/discharge battery testing systems
ranging from μA single cell applications up to 1MW packs.

Applications Include

  • Battery [modules] and [packs]of all sizes
  • Any battery chemistry including lithium, silicon, sulfur, lead-acid, nickel, & more
  • Battery cycling, electrochemical experiments, and advanced real-world simulations

Testing pouch cells with a cycler and battery rack from Arbin.

Product Highlights

Arbin bt 2000 user manual free
High accuracy EIS measurements can be multiplexed for all channels in a multi-channel system using a 3rd party EIS module.
Channel Function
Each testing channel operates fully independent of other channels
Parallel any number of channels for increased current handling
Data Logging
Standard data logging rate at 2000 points per second, per system
High speed pulse testing available
True bipolar circuitry ensures cross-zero linearity and zero switching time between charge and discharge
Redundant internal micro-controller dedicated to safety monitoring
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BMS Communication
Communicate with internal battery management system via CANBus or SMBUs protocol
Many auxiliary channels are available such as additional voltage ref electrodes, temperature measurement, chamber control, digital I/O, and more

Importance of Precision

This plot illustrates the difference between an Arbin battery tester and another leading manufacturer. The two distinct dips in the plot may have been missed using inferior test equipment. While many companies try to sell the same antiquated equipment for over a decade, Arbin has been hard at work improving our designs to meet future industry demands. We learned a lot during our three year ARPA-E project to develop high-current high-precision testers, and have implemented this new technology in our MSTAT, LBTand HPTtest equipment series. The HPT and MSTATsystems represent our premium product, but LBTis superior to other standard testers on the market.

What Affects Tester Precision
Resolution of DAC
Resolution of ADC
Non-linearity of calibration
Short-term drift (temperature)
Long-term drift (material characteristics)

Arbin Tester Improvements
Higher Resolution
Improved Software Algorithms
New Ways of Temperature Management
New Patented Shunt Design
New Method of Time Keeping
New Materials

Measurement precision is more critical for long‐term battery testing and long‐term battery projections than control accuracy alone. Most other battery testing systems do not correctly specify their precision and/or have relatively poor precision, which hinder the conclusions drawn from results data. Important trends and electrochemical indicators may remain unnoticed; lost in the measurement noise as illustrated above.

Our hope is that these higher degrees of measurement precision will lead to new discoveries and characterization metrics across the energy storage industry for all organizations, not only those looking at coulombic efficiency as a key indicator.

How to Evaluate Battery Test Equipment

Batteries are a critical component of many products, and energy storage plays a very active role in our lives even outside of the research/industry setting. Therefore, selecting the right battery test equipment is an important decision for companies and the individual researchers who are responsible for producing results, whether they are starting small, or at massive scale.

The expert engineers at Arbin have been advancing the benchmark of “state-of-the-art” battery test equipment for over 27 years. We are defined by innovation, from being the first to apply multiple current ranges on a single test channel to more recently being the only company to offer true high-precision testing for high current applications, and supporting “Turbo Mode” with smart battery modules. We continue to learn from our industry partners and work with them on key technology breakthroughs.

The following report shares some of this knowledge using plain terminology and illustrations. Here are five key topics to consider when choosing battery test equipment:

1. Hardware – Specifications & Quality of Materials [Preview Report]

Arbin Bt 2000 User Manual Transfer Switch

2. Software – Usability and Features


3. Data – Logging, Management, and Analysis

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4. Options – Auxiliary Features and Accessories

5. Support – Product Safety and Support

Arbin Bt 2000 User Manual Instructions

Arbin has thousands of systems running in over 50 countries around the world.