Spiro-Gills Engineering Manual. Escoa Fintube Corporation. Escoa Fintube Corporation, 1979 - Escoa fintube. What people are saying - Write a review. This paper describes a method used to compute the transient performances of assisted circulation heat recovery steam generators. These heat recovery steam generators are composed of several heat ex. ESCOA correlations again err significantly or the non. ESCOA Fintube Corp., ESCOA Engineering Manual (electronic. Version), T echnical Report, Downloaded September 2005 from.



A case study of a Heat Recovery System is performed in an industrial furnace that uses natural gas to determine the absorption cooling capacity (LiBr – Water) that can be generated for air conditioning. The energy source will be the heat of the flue gas that is eliminated by the furnace stack. Thermodynamic and economic analysis of the entire system (heat recovery exchanger, absorption chiller, cooling tower, etc.) is performed. A methodology to evaluate the Heat Recovery potential of the industrial furnace will be shown, as well as the limitations that must be considered. This methodology also considers the favorable environmental impact that is available to perform a heat recovery project. The results show that under certain operational characteristics and conditions, the heat recovery system is technically and economically feasible (profitable).

Palabras clave

Heat Recovery, Absorption Chiller, Air Conditioning, Energy Saving


B. H. Gebrelassie et al. “Economic performance of an absorption cooling system under uncertainty.” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 29, pp. 3491-3500, 2009.

M. Ishimatsu. “Advance Absorption Chillers: Utilization of various heat energies for air conditioning. 1st European” presented at Conference on Polygeneration, 2007.

New Buildings Institute. “Absorption Chillers Guideline.” Internet: www.newbuildings.org ,1998 [2009]. C map marine charts.

ASHRAE 90.1R. Minimum Efficiency. Code Compliance Manual. U.S. DOE. 2000

P. Kalinowski et al. “Application of waste heat powered absorption refrigeration system to the LNG recovery process.” International journal of refrigeration, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 687-694, 2009.

S. Man Lai and H. Wai. “Integration of trigeneration system and thermal storage under demand uncertainties.” Applied Energy Journal, vol. 87, no. 9, pp. 2868-2880, 2009.

L. Massagués et al. Estudio comparativo de una instalación de trigeneración con microturbina de gas y un sistema convencional con bomba de calor en un complejo hotelero. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2004.

A. Arteconi. “Distributed generation and trigeneration: Energy saving opportunities in Italian supermarket sector.” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 29(8-9), pp. 1735-1743, 2009.

J.I. Yoon. “A study on the advanced performance of an absorption heater/chiller with a solution preheated using waste gas.” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 757-767, 2003.

European Commission for Energy. “Energy Savings CHCP plants in the Hotel Sector.” Internet: www.newbuildings.org, 2001[2009].

V. Patnaik. “Absorption technology as a sustainable energy solution in the United States.” Presented in 1st European Conference Polygeneration. Tarragona (Spain), 16-17 October 2007.

P. Midnight sun stephenie meyer pdf torrent. Srikhirin et al. “A review of absorption refrigeration technologies.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 343-372, 2001.

K. Goodheart. “Low Firing Temperature Absorption Chiller System.” Master Degree Thesis of University of Wisconsin, 2000.

H. Kreith, et al. Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps. CRS Press, 1996

Y. A. Cengel and M.A. Boles. Thermodynamics an Engineer Approach. Table A.2, Fifth edition, McGraw Hill, 2006.

R. William. “Driving Absorption Chillers Using Heat Recovery.” ASHRAE Journal, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. S30-S36, 2004.

K.P.M. Wipplinger et al. “Stainless steel tube heat exchanger design for waste.” Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 47-56, 2006.

V. Ganapathy. “Design and Evaluate Finned Tube Bundles,” in Hydrocarbon Processing, vol. 75, no. 9, pp. 103-112, 1996.

C. Taylor. “Measurement of finned-tube heat exchanger performance.” Master Thesis, Georgia Institute Technology, 2004.

ESCOA Engineering Manual. “Fintube Technologies, Inc.” Internet: www.fintubetech.com [2009].

Escola Engineering Manual Transmissions

P.F. Ostwald and T.S. McLaren. Cost analysis and estimating for engineering and management. New Jersey: Pearson education Inc., 2004.

W.G. Sullivan et al. Engineering Economy. 12th edition, New Jersey: Pearson education Inc., 2003.

Kawasaki Thermal Engineering. Waste heat energy application for absorption chillers. 3th International District Cooling Conference & Trade Show, Dubai, 2008.

M.J. Moran and H.N. Shapiro. Fundamentos de Termodinámica Técnica. 2th edition, Ed. Reverte, 2004.

Waste Heat Recovery. Internet: http://wasteheatrecovery.com/ [2014].

F.J. Wang et al. “Economic feasibility of waste heat to power conversion.” Applied Energy Journal, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 442-454, 2007.

S. Popli et al. “Gas turbine efficiency enhancement using waste heat powered absorption chillers in the oil and gas industry.” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 919-931, 2013.

A. Huicochea. “Thermodynamic analysis of a trigeneration system consisting of a micro gas turbine and a double effect absorption chiller.” In Energy, vol. 67(16), pp. 548-556, 2014.

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Resumen : 447

Copyright (c) 2018 Revista Investigación & Desarrollo
Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.



A case study of a Heat Recovery System is performed in an industrial furnace that uses natural gas to determine the absorption cooling capacity (LiBr – Water) that can be generated for air conditioning. The energy source will be the heat of the flue gas that is eliminated by the furnace stack. Thermodynamic and economic analysis of the entire system (heat recovery exchanger, absorption chiller, cooling tower, etc.) is performed. A methodology to evaluate the Heat Recovery potential of the industrial furnace will be shown, as well as the limitations that must be considered. This methodology also considers the favorable environmental impact that is available to perform a heat recovery project. The results show that under certain operational characteristics and conditions, the heat recovery system is technically and economically feasible (profitable).

Palabras clave

Heat Recovery, Absorption Chiller, Air Conditioning, Energy Saving


B. H. Gebrelassie et al. “Economic performance of an absorption cooling system under uncertainty.” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 29, pp. 3491-3500, 2009.

M. Ishimatsu. “Advance Absorption Chillers: Utilization of various heat energies for air conditioning. 1st European” presented at Conference on Polygeneration, 2007.

New Buildings Institute. “Absorption Chillers Guideline.” Internet: www.newbuildings.org ,1998 [2009].

ASHRAE 90.1R. Minimum Efficiency. Code Compliance Manual. U.S. DOE. 2000

P. Kalinowski et al. “Application of waste heat powered absorption refrigeration system to the LNG recovery process.” International journal of refrigeration, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 687-694, 2009.

S. Man Lai and H. Wai. “Integration of trigeneration system and thermal storage under demand uncertainties.” Applied Energy Journal, vol. 87, no. 9, pp. 2868-2880, 2009.

L. Massagués et al. Estudio comparativo de una instalación de trigeneración con microturbina de gas y un sistema convencional con bomba de calor en un complejo hotelero. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2004.

A. Arteconi. “Distributed generation and trigeneration: Energy saving opportunities in Italian supermarket sector.” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 29(8-9), pp. 1735-1743, 2009.

J.I. Yoon. “A study on the advanced performance of an absorption heater/chiller with a solution preheated using waste gas.” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. Esf editor. 23, no. 6, pp. 757-767, 2003.

European Commission for Energy. “Energy Savings CHCP plants in the Hotel Sector.” Internet: www.newbuildings.org, 2001[2009].

V. Patnaik. “Absorption technology as a sustainable energy solution in the United States.” Presented in 1st European Conference Polygeneration. Tarragona (Spain), 16-17 October 2007.

P. Srikhirin et al. “A review of absorption refrigeration technologies.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 343-372, 2001.

K. Goodheart. “Low Firing Temperature Absorption Chiller System.” Master Degree Thesis of University of Wisconsin, 2000.

H. Kreith, et al. Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps. CRS Press, 1996

Y. A. Cengel and M.A. Boles. Thermodynamics an Engineer Approach. Table A.2, Fifth edition, McGraw Hill, 2006.

R. William. “Driving Absorption Chillers Using Heat Recovery.” ASHRAE Journal, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. S30-S36, 2004.

K.P.M. Wipplinger et al. “Stainless steel tube heat exchanger design for waste.” Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 47-56, 2006.

V. Ganapathy. “Design and Evaluate Finned Tube Bundles,” in Hydrocarbon Processing, vol. 75, no. 9, pp. 103-112, 1996.

C. Taylor. “Measurement of finned-tube heat exchanger performance.” Master Thesis, Georgia Institute Technology, 2004.

ESCOA Engineering Manual. “Fintube Technologies, Inc.” Internet: www.fintubetech.com [2009].


P.F. Ostwald and T.S. McLaren. Cost analysis and estimating for engineering and management. New Jersey: Pearson education Inc., 2004.

W.G. Sullivan et al. Engineering Economy. 12th edition, New Jersey: Pearson education Inc., 2003.

Kawasaki Thermal Engineering. Waste heat energy application for absorption chillers. 3th International District Cooling Conference & Trade Show, Dubai, 2008.

M.J. Moran and H.N. Shapiro. Fundamentos de Termodinámica Técnica. 2th edition, Ed. Reverte, 2004.

Escola Engineering Manual Software

Waste Heat Recovery. Internet: http://wasteheatrecovery.com/ [2014].

F.J. Wang et al. “Economic feasibility of waste heat to power conversion.” Applied Energy Journal, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 442-454, 2007.

Escoa Engineering Manual

S. Popli et al. “Gas turbine efficiency enhancement using waste heat powered absorption chillers in the oil and gas industry.” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 919-931, 2013.

A. Huicochea. “Thermodynamic analysis of a trigeneration system consisting of a micro gas turbine and a double effect absorption chiller.” In Energy, vol. 67(16), pp. 548-556, 2014.

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