Ford FE Engine Block Casting Numbers: NOTE - The information presented here was gathered from a variety of sources. If you see (or don't see) anything that needs corrected or added, please e-mail me. Entries below are what it COULD be, not necessarily what it is! FYI - A majority of FE blocks have either a '352' or a backwards '501' cast into.
ALL BLOCKS HAVE 6015 in the block casting number. This is found on all blocks and is Ford's number for an engine block.
Example- EDB 6015 E
CEBY 256-272 cu in Cast in Canada. Export block. Used in Canada, Australia, South Africa
CECK 292 cu in Cast in Canada. Export block. Used in Canada, Australia ect
EAA 215 cu. in. I-6 1952-53 Ford OHV six cylinder. Increased to 223 in '54. See EBP
EAD 317 cu. in. V8 1952-54. Early Lincoln OHV engine. Not interchangeable with Ford. see Lincoln page
EAL 279 cu. in. V8 1954 Ford HD truck. see Lincoln page.
EAM 317 cu. in. V8 1954 Ford HD truck. see Lincoln page.
EBJ 341 cu. in. V8 1955. Early Lincoln OHV engine. See Lincoln page.
ECU 368 cu. in. V8 1956-57. Early Lincoln OHV engine. See Lincoln page.
EBP 223 cu. in. I-6 1954- cars & Lt. trucks. EBR, EBS, EBT in HD trucks
EBU 239 cu. in. V8 1954 cars only. LARGE CAM BEARINGS.
EBV 239 cu. in. V8 1955 pickup, small cam bearings
EBY 256 cu. in. V8 1954 Mercury
ECG 272 cu. in V8 1955 to 57 cars and trucks. Typically Dearborn casting.
ECH 292 cu. in. V8 1955
ECJ 292 cu. in. V8 1955
ECL 292 cu. in. V8 1955
ECK 292 cu. in. V8 1955-56 Ford 1955 Mercury
EDB-A 292 cu. in. V8 1955-57 if cast at Dearborn Foundry. EDB found near distributor and generator
B5AE 272 cu in V8 1959 Replacement block for 272. May have been used for marine & fleet
PLEASE NOTE: 292 and 312 Blocks were machined from the same castings with the same markings. Outlook for mac create sound set 2018.
If the following blocks have EBU main caps it is a 292, if it has ECZ main caps it is a 312.
ECZ-A 292-312 cu. in. V8 1956 ECZ 6015 A With EBU main caps =292. ECZ main caps =312 Check crank flange or main caps.
ECZ-B 292-312 cu in V8 1956-57 292 or 312
ECZ -C 312 cu. in. V8 1957 ECZ 6015 C. 292 with EBU main caps.
EDB-E 292 cu. in V8 1958-59 cars and trucks to April 59. 312 in Mercury
B9AE-F 292 cu. in. V8 1959-60 cars and trucks. Cisco firepower 2100 series user manual. (312 with ECZ main caps, 1959 & 60 Mercury only)
C1AE-R 292 cu. in. V8 1961 cars and
C2AE-C 292 cu. in. V8 1962 cars 62-64 trucks
B7ME 312 cu. in. V8 1962? later 312 replacement block. C2AE main webs. Only example seen was a marine engine
NOTE: 6015 is Ford's number for an engine block. All blocks have this number.
Block identification number generally on side of block above oil filter for blocks cast at Cleveland.
Dearborn block I.D. number near distributor and above generator. Most Dearborn blocks used in trucks.
No Dearborn blocks after 1957. There were no special truck blocks. Heavy duty trucks with steel cranks used C1AE or C2AE car blocks.
Most Dearborn blocks after 1954 were 272's. Most 292 and 312 blocks are from the Cleveland
Cleveland casting numbers on side of blockECZ MAIN CAP = 312 BLOCK
Common 272 Block from Dearborn Foundry
Dearborn numbers, also found (upside down) near generator. Typically 272. There were some EDB 292 blocks cast at Dearborn.
Dearborn symbol is DIF indicating Dearborn Industrial Foundry. There have been no reports of any 312 blocks cast at Dearborn.