1. Kindle Fire App For Mac
  2. Xda Kindle Fire Utility

Procedure to Find Amazon Kindle Fire’s Mac Address: From your Amazon Kindle Fire, head to the home screen and on the top right corner you will see an icon which is of “Settings”, tap on the same. Once you tap on the “Settings”, you now need to tap on “More” as shown in the below screen capture. Now, tap on the option called. The latest software version for Kindle Fire HD 2nd Generation is 7.5.1. This update automatically downloads and installs on your Kindle Fire HD when connected wirelessly; however, you can also manually download the software and transfer the update to your device via USB cable. If you have a Kindle Fire 1st Generation, ADB is enabled by default. Step 2: Install the Kindle Fire Driver (Windows Only) If you're using Windows, download this Kindle Fire driver: kindlefireusbdriver.zip. After downloading the file, extract the contents into a new folder and double-click the FireDevices ABD drivers file.

With all the development stuff that is going on for this amazing lil device, it is not surprising that we need a utility to undo certain things that may have been done carelessly, or without reading the instructions carefully. I have always maintained that one can never be too careful, especially when playing with custom roms on any device capable of running them.

Kindle Fire App For Mac

Now with all the stuff being released for the Kindle Fire, or KFire as I’m going to refer to it hereon, it was only a matter of time before someone came up with a nifty little tool which would help rectify a flash gone bad; in other words, a bricked KFire. And XDA member ZombiepirateZ has done exactly that with the Kindle Fire Unbrick Utility V1.1!!

It doesn’t matter what kind of a bricked state you’ve managed to get your KFire into, this utility will fix it for you! In one word, it’s an UnBricker!! For now, it’s a Windows Only tool, so Mac & Linux users will need to continue to hold their breath, unfortunately.

The steps and methods included in this guide are considered risky. Please do not attempt to try this unless you know exactly what you are doing, as it may render your device unusable, and your pocket lighter by the amount it takes to replace it. You have been forewarned!!!

Xda Kindle Fire Utility

This ROM is compatible only and only with the Kindle Fire. Please do not attempt to flash it on any other device. We are not responsible for any damage that may be caused to your device.

Kindle fire utility for mac installer

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Operating the tool is pretty self-explanatory, since it has a GUI ( Graphical User Interface). You wouldn’t need to muck around with command prompts and the likes. So those of you who shudder at the thought of using a CLI (command line interface), this is exactly the tool for you. Just click the button which indicates your bricked state, and the KFUU will fix it for you. Nice!

Kindle fire utility for mac

You can visit the original development thread to check for updates to this utility, and to read about user experience. If you want to share your experience with us, or face a roadblock while using this tool, do give us a shout in comments below, and we will be glad to help you out.