< Serial Programming‎ | Modems and AT Commands

Serial Programming: Introduction and OSI Network Model-- RS-232 Wiring and Connections-- Typical RS232 Hardware Configuration-- 8250 UART-- DOS-- MAX232 Driver/Receiver Family-- TAPI Communications In Windows-- Linux and Unix-- Java-- Hayes-compatible Modems and AT Commands-- Universal Serial Bus (USB)-- Forming Data Packets-- Error Correction Methods-- Two Way Communication-- Packet Recovery Methods-- Serial Data Networks-- Practical Application Development-- IP Over Serial Connections

Hayes-compatable Modems and AT Commands References:-- Special AT Commands and Character Sequences-- AT Commands A - M-- AT Commands N - Z-- AT& Commands

D R A F T QUALCOMM Globalstar GSP-1720 Satellite Data/Voice Module Integrator’s Reference Manual 80-C6495-1 Rev. Commands for packet domain, GPRS (3GPP TS 27.007, section 10) SMS commands (3GPP TS 27.005) Multiplexing commands (3GPP TS 07.10) Other commands (3GPP TS 27.007, Appendix C) Introduction. The following lists the AT control commands that a device is expected to support. However, a device may support more commands than listed. Diagnostic Commands—Commands used to select frequency bands and diagnose problems. Test Commands—Commands required to place the modem in particular modes of operation, test host connectivity, and to configure the transmitters and receivers for test measurements.!SELMODE Set/return current service domain 50. Using the USB Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) Protocol in Linux NimbeLink Corp. Revised: June 2015 P N 3 0 0 5 2 r e v 1 N i m b e L i n k C o r p. Command: # pacman -Syu followed by the enter key, and downloading the latest updates. Install the libqmi Package The libqmi package is required.

This module provides a reference to the Hayes-compatible AT commands which start with an &. The following list only contains the original Hayes commands. Different modems use slightly different commands. However, this list is supposed to be as 'generic' as possible, and should not be extended with modem-specific commands. Instead it is recommended to provide such command lists in an Appendix.

AT& commands are in no way special, compared to other AT commands. It is just that Hayes at some point ran out of the 26 single-letter commands (ATA ... ATZ), so they introduced double-character commands. In order to avoid that these clash with single-letter commands, these double-character commands got a common prefix, the &.

Command Description Template[edit]

To be removed when all commands are documented



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&B: V.32 Auto Retrain Options[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&C: Data Carrier Detect Options[edit]



This option controls the behaviour of the DCD (Data Carrier Detect, alias RLSD) RS-232 output line of the modem. The modem can either be told to keep the line always on (parameter 0), or that the line should really follow the state of the carrier on the phone line (parameter 1, default). The carrier on the phone line is the basic signal on which then (later) the data is modulated on. It is like the carrier frequency of some radio station. Carrier detection indicates if the two paired modems have been 'tuned in'.

In case the RS-232 DCD line is configured to be driven by the modem following the state of the carrier (parameter 1), the DTE can use this information for flow control, display progress information to the user, etc.

On the other side, setting DCD to be on all the time (parameter 0) can be used if the DTE software, e.g. some terminal program, does not handle DCD correctly, or if the DTE ignores it. However, letting DCD follow the carrier state is usually the better configuration.



Always keep DCD on.
DCD follows carrier state (default).

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid (either 0 or 1)
ERROROtherwise (parameter was not 0 or 1)

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&D: Data Terminal Ready Options[edit]



The &D command specifies how the modem should react to an on-to-off transition on its DTR (data terminal ready) input line. The DTE can use this line as part of some hardware-handshake. The exact behavior of the &D command depends on other settings, as outlined below:

&D Behavior
00, 5, or 6DTR is assumed to be always on. This allows communication with DTEs which do not provide DTR information, or wrong information.
01, or 4When the DTE drops DTR (on-off transition) the modem hangs up. This does not affect auto-answer behavior.
02, or 3When the DTE drops DTR (on-off transition) the modem hangs up. Auto-answer is blocked.
10, 1, 4, 5, or 6A DTR on-off transition is interpreted as if the asynch. escape sequence has been entered. The modem goes in command mode but keeps the connection.
12, or 3When the DTE drops DTR (on-off transition) the modem hangs up. Auto-answer is blocked.
20, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6When the DTE drops DTR (on-off transition) the modem hangs up. Auto-answer is blocked. This is the default setting.
30, 1, 4, 5, 6A DTR on-off transition causes the modem to perform a soft-reset as if the Z command was received. The &Y setting determines which configuration profile the modem will load during the reset.
32, or 3When the DTE drops DTR (on-off transition) the modem hangs up. Auto-answer is blocked.

Typically, more special rules apply if the modem supports additional features like Fax. This is out of the scope of this generic Hayes command description.

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid (0 to 3)

Related Commands and Registers:

&F: Recall Factory Profile[edit]

Command Description Template



The modem loads the factory profile 0 (default) or the factory profile 1. The factory profiles are fixed modem condigurations as provided by the modem manufacturer

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKProfile loaded (modem was previously off-line)
ERRORModem is on-line.

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&G: Guard Tone Selection[edit]



In some telephone systems it is necessary to transmit an additional guard tone in order to disable echo supressors in the phone system. Echo supressors do interfere with data communication, because they alter (in good faith) the transmited signal, e.g. by changing the signal's delay, phase and amplitude. This disturbes the modem's signal modulation and introduces communication errors.

A guard tone tells an echo supressor (and possibly other equipment) to not alter the transmitted signal. Guard tones are standardised in telecom standards.

Do not use a guard tone (default)
Set guard tone on answering modem to 550Hz. Note, this feature is rarely implemented in todays consumer modems.
Use 1800Hz guard tone.

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid (0, 1, or 2)

&J: Jack Type Selection (Auxiliary Relay Options)[edit]



Hayes modems supported different jacks to connect the modem to a telephone or leased line. The '&J' command allows to select the type of jack which should be used. Typically, this command is not fully implemented in today's modems. Usually, the command just sets some registers and does nothing otherwise.

Jack type RJ-11, RJ41S, or RJ-45S type phone jack (default)
Jack type RJ-12 or RJ-13 type phone jack

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid (0, 1)

&K: Local Flow Control Options[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&L: Line Type Selection (Dialup/Leased)[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&O: PAD Channel Selection[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&Q: Communications Mode Options[edit]

Command Description Template

Qualcomm at commands pdf installer



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&R: RTS/CTS Options[edit]




This option controlls the behavior of the CTS (clear to send) RS-232 input line of the modem. The modem can either be told to use it for hardware handshaking (parameter 0), or ignore it (parameter 1).

Use CTS signal from DTE for hardware flow control
Ignore CTS from DTE (always send)

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&S: Data Set Ready Options[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&T: Test Options[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&U: Trellis Coding Options[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&V: View Configuration Profiles[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&W: Write Active Profile to Memory[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&X: Synchronous Transmit Clock Source[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&Y: Select Stored Profile For Hard Reset[edit]

Command Description Template



<Description of the command, including information about the purpose and effects>

Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKParameter was valid <description of success>
ERROROtherwise <description of failure>

Related Commands and Registers:

  • <Link list of related commands and registers>

&Zn=x: Store Telephone Number[edit]



The &Z command allows to store up to four telephone number dial strings into the modem's NVRAM.

This feature is rarely used by modem communication software these days. DTE software preferes to keep an own list of possible phone numbers (e.g. a list of bulletin board system numbers), which can be much more than just four different numbers.

The feature is still useful in automated systems, and e.g. in cases where the DTE software is not (end user) configurable. For example, some embedded controller might be capable of running a modem communication with generic Hayes-compatible commands to allert a remote site in case of problems (burgler alarm, machine maintenance request, etc.). But for cost or other reasons the embedded system might provide no way for the end user to configure the embedded system. Instead the embedded system will use ATDS=0 (or another index) to dial and relie on the modem's setup to have a phone number stored at index 0 (or another index).

n = 0 ... 3
Index of the dial string
A dial string. This can be a simple number, but it can also contain dial modifiers as listed for the ATD (dial) command. Typically, the size of a single dial string can not extend 34 characters.


To store the number 00155512345 into register 0 for tone dialing (T) use:


Result Codes:

Result Codes
OKIndex was valid (0 ... 3), and dial string less than 35 characters.

Related Commands and Registers:

Serial Programming: Introduction and OSI Network Model-- RS-232 Wiring and Connections-- Typical RS232 Hardware Configuration-- 8250 UART-- DOS-- MAX232 Driver/Receiver Family-- TAPI Communications In Windows-- Linux and Unix-- Java-- Hayes-compatible Modems and AT Commands-- Universal Serial Bus (USB)-- Forming Data Packets-- Error Correction Methods-- Two Way Communication-- Packet Recovery Methods-- Serial Data Networks-- Practical Application Development-- IP Over Serial Connections

Hayes-compatable Modems and AT Commands References:-- Special AT Commands and Character Sequences-- AT Commands A - M-- AT Commands N - Z-- AT& Commands

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This tutorial was originally created by Jim Helms on the original LTE HACKS forum. I have added several commands and explanations to help clarify their use. Feel free to ask questions or suggestions for adding to the list.
TUTORIAL DISCLAIMER: This tutorial is based on using a Windows PC and a Sierra MC7455 modem mounted in a
mPCIE-to-USB adapter. We will be using the a terminal from the Windows device to issue commands to the MC7455
modem. Different devices and methods to issue the AT commands may require various alterations from the
examples below. Always take caution when accessing a modem's interface. This forum, as well as the writer, will
assume NO liability for use of this information. In short, be cautious and use at your own risk.
If you are just getting started with programming the modem, there are three basic utilities required for this
  • Windows Connection Manager software (USB Drivers) (allowing Windows to recognize the modem)
  • Latest Windows executable Generic Firmware (for the MC7455 modem)
  • Huawei Terminal (to issues the commands to the modem)
Plug the USB modem into your Windows device USB port.
Install the Air Prime Driver Software on the Windows machine via the executable file.
Run the Huawei Terminal executable file as an administrator. When the terminal opens, select the white down
arrow button, and select the COM port that corresponds to the Sierra Wireless…WWAN Modem and hit the Connect
If you are working with the EM7565 it is recommended to use PuTTY in Serial mode to program the modem. Refer to the bottom of this topic for more instructions.
NOTE: If the terminal does not list the Sierra modem, open the Windows device manager (Press the Windows Key +
X then Device Manager) and look at the Ports (COM & LPT) and see on what COM port the modem is located and use
that Port Number.
If you are now connected to the modem through the terminal, go the white outlined slot on the bottom of the
Terminal and type (or copy and paste) the following and hit enter: If the modem is accessible, information will be displayed showing the model, firmware and other details related to
Qualcommthe modem.
If you see these details, congratulations! You are now ready to begin with issuing commands.
Type, or copy and paste (one line at a time) the AT commands that follow and hit Enter after every command.
In our first command we must tell them modem we have permission to enter commands. It is important to
remember that you must first enter this command any time you access the modem to enter various other
commands. It is also used to return more thorough or detailed information when requested.

Qualcomm Wcn3990

Code: Select all

And, that ALL commands issued to program the modem will take effect ONLY after rebooting the modem:By default, the MC7455 will be in QMI mode which much be changed to the MBIM mode for various OpenWRT, LEDE, and ROOter frimware builds. (The EM7455’s defaults to the MBIM mode). The AT Commands for the EM|MC7455: for MBIM composition is:

Code: Select all

Other options for the EM|MC7455 modem are for QMI:Another option is to expose the NMEA port:

Code: Select all

The EM7465 requires a slightly different command to place it in MBIM (also, PuTTy works best for the EM7465):To check or verify the mode configuration:

Code: Select all

We will now add the APN (shown in this demo for Sprint as r.ispsn using an ipv4 address).In return we get:

Code: Select all

You may also check what versions of IP settings are available for the modem:Which on the mc7455, returns:

Code: Select all

This reflects that the mc7455 will allow us to take advantage of Sprint's dual stack IPV4V6 for the APN:Which returns:

Code: Select all

If you find that for what ever reason you cannot connect to an IPV6 address and would like to check and see if IPV6 is enabled use the following command:If you would like to disable IPV6 use this command:

Code: Select all

While there are no requirements to do so, we can manually define and set our preferred bands for the modem.
(NOTE: If you are doing a new custom build of LEDE/OpenWRT, I suggest you skip the band programming and/or
locking until the build is up and running properly--the modem will automatically select the bands). But, for this
demo and using Sprint, we can assign each band a reference command which we may later use to lock the modem
to an specific band or group of bands. If you are still in the same terminal session, you can skip the first permission
command. Notice that the Sprint (All) band was created by adding together the binaries of the individual bands we selected.
Creating an “All” band holds true for all carriers and bands available to that carrier. Take special notice of
redundant numbered bands and frequencies (when listed) to assure they match those of your carrier.
If you are using a different carrier other than Sprint and want multiple bands combined into one you may find that some of those combine band binaries have letters in them. Here is an example of what that would look like using Verizon:

Code: Select all

Note: The A at the end of the binary is from combining the 2 and the 8 from bands 2 and 4.
To access what bands are available (and their binaries) we can use the following command:If we desire to lock the modem to a particular band, for instance band 41 to take advantage of carrier aggregation:

Code: Select all

Or we could allow the modem to pick and choose between the Sprint bands in (ALL):To check what bands we are locked to, we can always use the following command:

Code: Select all

It is important to always remember what Index letter (i.e., 0c) you have assigned to what band. This is
Tutorialimportant when using various scripts by different people who may assign them differently.
If you have created a band and would like to remove that Index letter (i.e., 0c) from the list of available lockable bands, use the following command and insert your index name:For example if you wanted to remove the band 25 index that we created earlier you would use the following command:

Code: Select all

If you are having connection issues with the modem, then you may want to avoid locking the bands to any specific
frequency and allow the modem to connect as it wishes:We can also set the modem to receive LTE only:

Code: Select all

Another useful command you will use often, will get the status and general connection information from the
modem such as what band you are currently connected to and signal strength.The Sierra mc7455/em7455 modem can and will store multiple different carrier firmware (i.e., generic, sprint, verizon,
etc...) which may create connection issues. To review the firmware (and/or preferred carrier) configuration:

Code: Select all

There may be times were one needs to restore the modem to its OEM configurations. This will effectively reset any changes you have made to the modem's settings.
To restore to OEM settings:

Code: Select all

Some of the older Sierra Modems (i.e., mc7354, mc7750, mc7700...) may require a slightly different command to
restore:After re-powering the modem, you are back to the OEM settings.
One note on programming the EM7565. The Huawei Terminal seems to have a conflict with issuing some commands to the EM7565. I recommend you use the Huawei Terminal to locate the COM Port number assigned to WWAN Modem , then use PuTTY in Serial mode to program the modem.

I encourage everyone to download a copy of the AT Command reference guide to better understand the various

Qualcomm At Commands Pdf Download


Qualcomm At Commands Pdf Tutorial

I also encourage members to share AT commands they find useful and provide a brief description of when they are
used and what they do.